Transboundary, King salmon, Legislature

7 Feb

Transboundary/Mining. Dan Sullivan, one of Alaska’s two U.S. senators, and the state’s Lt.-Gov. Byron Mallot were in Ottawa Monday for a series of meetings with Canadian officials, including federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna. In part, they talked about cleaning up Tulsequah Chief Mine and other transboundary issues. Read it here. Or listen to a story here.

Along with USAG, in 2017 every major Southeast Alaska community renewed their requests of the State Department to really engage on the transboundary mining issue and protect Alaskan interests and way of life.

When it seemed clear the newly minted B.C. NDP government would not pursue charges against Imperial Metals, owner and operator of the Mount Polley mine for a 2014 tailings pond collapse, one woman decided to take matters into her own hands. Sadly, her legal action against Mount Polley Mining Corporation, a division of Imperial Metals, will not proceed.

Legislature. Is up and running as well as the House Fisheries Committee. We are especially watching HB188, (version M) to establish regional fisheries trusts, which USAG has been vocally opposed;  and HB 199, to protect fish/wildlife habitat and change permitting regs (here’s a story about that one) and  HB 87, conflict of interest bill for Board of Fish and Game members.

King Salmon. Communities are reducing or eliminating their salmon derbies to help conserve king salmon. Here’s Petersburg and Wrangell and Juneau.
THANKS for your support of USAG. If you need to renew, please see a board member, our website, or mail $300 (permit holders) to Box 2196, Petersburg AK 99833

-Cynthia Wallesz

Executive Director
United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters
PO Box 2196
Petersburg, AK 99833
(208) 995-7400 (cell)
ph: (253) 237-3099 Google Voice